Class 12 Heritage Of Words Summary,
God’s Grandeur- Class 12 Heritage of words
Posted by Bijay Kuikel
Published on Friday, July 26, 2013
God’s Grandeur Gerard Manley Hopkins

According to the poet, the world is filled with the grandeur of God. It keeps on shining like gold tinsel and becoming greater and greater. The poet wonders about the reluctance of men to pay attention to the command of God although they are gifted with such a beautiful world. Further, he indicates the noisy activities of man on the earth. According to it, the earth has been habituated by man for generations after generations. As such, they are activated with trade and toil. Owing to this reason, the world is polluted bearing the smudge and smell of man as well as bare soil. The poet ironically points out that man is unable to perceive the pollution and soil erosion because of his shoes on. It indicates the lack of sensitivity in man.
Despite the damage done to nature, it is not exhausted. Its freshness continues to be present as before because the world is fresh from its core. In addition to it, Holy Ghost has designed the world to be fresh and bright. For this reason, the last light of the day leaves the world from the black west and returns to it in the morning at the brown brink (edge) eastward. This happens because the God at the horizon broods with warm breast and bright wings.
The poem is found to be simple despite the lofty imagination. It consists of a serious religious tone. Above all, it is based on the poet’s optimistic way of thinking. The first eight lines are devoted to the description of contrastive pictures of the world filled with grandeur of God and pollution of man. The last six lines take the form of a meditation on the freshness of nature preserved by Holy Ghost.
Important Questions from God’s Grandeur by Hopkins
Short Answer Questions
1. Give reasons why men are unaware of the greatness of god? [2058] 2. What is the central idea of the poem ‘God’s Grandeur’? [2059, 2061, 2062, 2068, 2069] 3. How the glory of God is praised in the poem ‘God’s Grandeur’? [2067]
Long Answer Questions
1. What is the central idea of the poem ‘God’s Grandeur’?
Glossary: [grandeur: beauty, tinsel: long shiny string used in decoration, reluctance: when someone does not want to do something, toil: to do difficult work for a long time, ironically: a type of humor in which people say exactly opposite of what they mean, perceive: notice, Holy Ghost: The third person in the trinity (trinity: The Christian godhead as one god in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Ghost), broods: family of young animals or birds, lofty: of a good nature]
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August 9, 2016 at 12:37 AM
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April 23, 2018 at 3:34 AM
April 23, 2018 at 3:37 AM
You can check Question Answers Here:-
Question Answers-Translation In Nepali Of "GOD'S GRANDEUR"
October 31, 2022 at 8:41 AM
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, bijay kuikel G
May 14, 2023 at 3:19 AM
Nice post....thankx